Zherindo Warrior, Simba as he is known at home is a 2015 16’2 grey stallion by the well known Warriors Glory out of Zherindo M a 1.45m jumper by the famous Dutch stallion ‘Sheraton’. He has an abundance of character and being a home-bred he has a special piece of my heart!
His sire Warriors Glory was bred by the famous Warrior, Warrior is a son of Tangelo v/d Zuuthoeve x Heartbreaker, who competed at London Olympics and Global Tour shows. Warriors glory was the top British bred money winning horse in 2023 under Dutch Olympic rider Kim Emmen.
Simba, other than a family steep in success, has shown nothing but talent and is looking very exciting for the future. He is a great stamp of a horse, careful, honest and brave, he has lovely paces and a fantastic attitude. Combined with his dams kind nature and bold quickness around a course, Simba has all the attributes. He had recent success in Oliva Nova placing 3rd in the 1.40m Grand Prix.
We are pleased to offer him for stud duties this year.
(Stud terms: NFFR, chilled only. Free return will not include collection fee and shipping)